Git Repo Clone With SSH
This will save up a lot of your time trying to fix SSL Error, certification problem
- Go to your dir to check if key exist C:\Users\username.ssh
cd %userprofile%\.ssh`
- Use putty to gen a key and convert openssh
- Open putty key generator, under key menu select generate key pair
- Move your mouse to generate randomness
- Put in your password, save your private key and public key
- Copy pub key to Bitbucket / GitHub personal acc
- Go to your profile > ssh keys
- Copy from putty and paste there
- Open git bash, right click on directory - select git bash) into place you wanna clone
- Activate ssh agent and add your key to ssh agent, and type your ssh key password
eval $(ssh-agent -s)
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Turn on the credential helper so that Git will save your password
- By default, Git will cache your password for 15 minutes.
- In Terminal, enter the following:
# Set git to use the credential memory cache
git config --global credential.helper cache
Common Error
FATAL ERROR: No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)
- Open Pageant add private key